More than a third of Indians suffer from sleep problem or insomnia. If you’re also facing the same problem, then this article is for you. Yoga has multiple health benefits. It is good for physical as well as mental health. By doing these Yoga asans you can get a night’s sleep.
This is commonly referred to as a Swan Dive. Start with arms raised overhead and come into a forward fold by gliding your arms down. Next, ensure your fingers clasp your heels. Bend the knees without locking them or injuring yourself. The more you contract and draw up your quadriceps muscles, the more your hamstrings will open. Inhale and raise your hands to your hips to release. Gradually lift by pressing your tailbone down and contracting your abdominal muscles.

Start by lying flat on your back and stretching your feet in the opposite direction until they reach the floor. Use a pillow or rolled-up towel for support if you’re a newbie. Resting your hands on your lower back is a fine decision. Hold the position for 45-60 seconds. Roll your spine back to the surface and elevate your legs to a 90-degree angle to release. Return your legs to the mat in a systematic manner.

Kneel on your hands and knees on the floor. Spread your knees out, keeping the tops of your toes on the floor and your big toes touching. Rest your forehead on the mat and lay your undersurface between your thighs. Relax every muscle in your body. Stretch your arms out in front of you, palms down on the floor, or bring them back alongside your thighs. Stay in this position for two minutes, focusing on regular inhalation and exhalation to reconnect with your breath.

Inhale to get into a plank position, then lower your body to the ground. Clasp your hands together behind your back. Exhale and lower your feet to the ground while you take in a deep breath and raise your chest and arms as high as you can while gazing forward. Allow your hands to slide down and exhale as you return to the downward-facing dog from the locust pose.


Sit with your legs wide open. Insert the heel of the right leg under the perineum by bending the leg. Lay the right sole flat against the inner left thigh with the navel seated on top of the right heel. Bend your left leg and cross your left ankle over your right. The right toes should be placed between the left calf and thigh, and the left toes should be placed between the right calf and thigh. Make sure your knees are on the ground. In Chin Mudra or Jnana Mudra, place the hands on the knees. Close your eyes a bit and concentrate on your breathing.