Not every relationship turns out the way you want it to and if you are not mindful in choosing your partner, with the passage of time, it may cause a lot of bitterness and heartbreak. As more and more dating apps find their way into your mobiles, people may be spoilt for potential dating options, and this may increase one’s chances of landing up with the wrong partner or in a toxic relationship.
One can find themselves stuck with their partner even before they commit to them or make their relationship official, thanks to situationship, an emerging dating trend that encourages casual dating. Lack of clear communication or different expectations from a relationship can make you feel stuck.
No open communication
If your partner is constantly discouraging you from engaging in open communication and tagging you as needy or desperate, it could be a sign of being stuck in a relationship. Not being able to clearly communicate or becoming aware of where the relationship is heading, feelings of frustration and dissatisfaction can build up. You may be in a state where you are constantly overthinking about your situation.
Don’t talk about the future
When you are going strong in a relationship, talking about your future as a couple is natural, especially when one of you are looking for a long-term relationship. If your partner consistently avoids talking about the future or says things like, “Let’s see what happens,” or “I’m enjoying what we have at the moment,” it’s a clear sign they don’t want the relationship to progress.
Feeling unsatisfied
If your partner doesn’t give you enough attention, .make an effort, or spend time with you, and you feel frustrated or upset but can’t talk to them about it, it’s a sign you’re stuck in the relationship.