Dr. Suranjit Chatterjee, Senior Consultant of Internal Medicine at Apollo Hospital, briefed on the rising viral infections, citing diagnostic challenges and a surprising spike in swine flu cases.
Dr Chatterjee said, “There are lots of infections that are happening at this time. It’s is a challenge to diagnose them and also at the right time. We are having simple viral infections like viral respiratory tract infections. We are having a lot of swine flu cases, which was unexpected and a few Covid cases. We are also having dengue, typhoid, a very few cases of cholera as well and routine gastroenteritis. It is a spectrum of cases that we are seeing, so it is important for us and for the public to report to the doctors early so that we can diagnose them on time and we can save them from complications…”
He says that it was not expected that we would see so much of swine flu cases but over the last couple of weeks we have seen so many that we have started suspecting quite frequently, and whenever somebody is coming with an upper respiratory tract or a lower respiratory tract symptom, we are definitely doing that test to establish that we are not missing swine flu or COVID.
He mentioned that people with comorbidities are more vulnerable to get infected with swine flu. Adding to that he said, “Such cases are more than what we expected at this time.”